Art Print Frames

Our ready-to-hang wooden framed prints are sturdy, durable, and ready to hang instantly! The print is made on our heavier-weight white matte paper that has a natural, smooth uncoated finish that feels luxurious to the touch. The perfect option to stand the test of time.


  • The frames are made from pine and come in 3 colors: black, white, and natural wood.
  • They are 20-25mm /0.79"-0.98" thick and 10-14mm /0.4"-0.6" wide, providing the perfect balance of durability and style.
  • To keep your print looking its best, we use shatterproof, transparent plexiglass to protect it from damage.
  • We include hanging hardware with every order, making it easy to hang the frame in both horizontal and vertical orientations.
  • The print is ready-to-hang as the print is delivered within the frame. It is ready to be hung directly on the wall.
  • The 200 gsm / 80 lb paper weight makes it durable and long-lasting.
  • We use FSC-certified paper and frame or equivalent certifications depending on regional availability. It’s better for the people and the planet.
  • Each print and frame is shipped in robust packaging, ensuring it arrives in pristine condition.
  • For indoor use.